PhotoME Website
> News NewsOn this page, you'll find information about new versions of PhotoME, about releases which are only available using the online update function of PhotoME and other items of interest to the PhotoME community.Last update of the update server (PhotoME 0.8beta): The server is currently being updated.
A new version of the PhotoME Firefox extension has been released, which solves the cache-writing-problem in the latest Firefox and Seamonkey versions.
A new version of the PhotoME Firefox extension has been released, which is compatible to Firefox 5 now.
Click here to show the changelog
Currently I'm moving from central germany to western germany (around 300 km away from my old home). That's one of the reasons why the next release of PhotoME takes that long. The other reason are massive changes in the handling of the meta data, which takes longer than I thought. I hope to get the next release quickly done after my move is finished. Since I don't know how fast I'll get an internet connection in my new home, I've disabled the writing permission of the forum, to prevent spam postings while I'm away. Thank you for your understanding.
Today, I've released version 1.7 of the FireFox extension, with support images in newsgroup-postings in the ThunderBird email client. Click here to show the changelog
Today, I've released version 1.4 of the FireFox extension with support for the SeaMonkey web suite and the ThunderBird email client. Now you can use PhotoME to view Exif data for images which are integrated or attached to emails! In addition, this new version of the extension can also show the meta data for background images on websites. Click here for details about the extension and how to install it.
A Italian translation of the PhotoME interface is now available on the update server. Once you've updated PhotoME, a new item "Italiano", is available in the languages menu. To update PhotoME, choose "Online update..." in the Settings menu.
La traduzione italiana dell'interfaccia di PhotoME è disponibile sul server degli aggiornamenti.
Una volta aggiornato PhotoME, la nuova selezione "Italiano" sará disponibile nel menu dei linguaggi.
Because of some requests from Opera users, I've decided to provide a context menu extension for Opera 9 and above. Click here for details about the Opera extension and how to install it. In the next version of PhotoME, this link will also be available in the browser integration menu.
A French translation of the PhotoME interface is now available on the update server. Once you've updated PhotoME, a new item "Français", is available in the languages menu. To update PhotoME, choose "Online update..." in the Settings menu.
La traduction en français de l'interface de PhotoME est disponible sur le serveur des mises à jour.
Une fois mis à jour, il y aura une nouvelle selection "Français" disponible dans le menu des langages. |
Current Version: 0.8ß2 2009/05/03 |